Record Book Forms
Why have 4-H record books? 4-H record books serve a variety of purposes in the California 4-H Youth Development Program. While society has changed, the goals of teaching record-keeping to youth remain essentially the same.
- 4-H record books give members an opportunity to reflect on their yearly work. Members document their skill development and learning experiences in a written report. 4-H members measure their achievements and growth.
- 4-H record books encourage members to set goals and develop plans to meet those goals. Completion of the Personal Development Report awards 4-H members for participation in 4-H activities, which provides an incentive for participation, learning, and achievement.
- 4-H record books teach members records management skills. Records management (RM) is an industry-standard practice of identifying, creating, classifying, archiving, and preserving records.
Record Book Manual
Record Book Manual (PDF) - This manual was designed to be more kid-friendly than previous versions. It outlines all the parts of the Record Book and includes instructions for completing each form.
For more in-depth information, see the Record Book Manual for Adult Partners
Club Review Club Level Evaluation Form
County Competition County Record Book Evaluation
4-H Club Officer Book Criteria
4-H office requires ALL 4-H Clubs to turn in a Secretary and Treasurer's book in order to remain in "good standing".
For forms and helpful resources go online to the State Website CLICK HERE
At the UC ANR 4-H State Website you will find:
- Record Book Manual
Record Book Manual for Adult Partners
Record Book Forms
Individually separated forms:
Personal Development Report - For Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members.
Annual Project Report - For Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members.
Leadership Development Report - For Intermediate and Senior members only.
4-H Resume Template - For Senior Members only.
Primary Members
*BRAND NEW* Primary Member Report forms have been developed. Members who are taking the iSprout Primary Project should use the iSprout compatible form. Members who are not enrolled in an iSprout project should use the basic form. Primary members are not required to complete report forms to receive their annual stripe and pin.